The Markets are expected to open marginally lower today as trendsin GIFT NIFTY indicate a negative start - ARETE Securities Ltd

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The markets are expected to open marginally lower today as trendsin GIFT NIFTY indicate a negative start for the broader index afterNIFTY closed 205 points higher at 23,163 on Wednesday.
Afcons Infrastructure
The company received Rs.1,283 crore EPC contract from Hindustan GatewayContainer Terminal Kandla for marine package at Tuna Tekra, completion in29 months.
Allied Blenders
and Distillers The company approved acquiring up to 51% stake in Good Barrel Distilleryfor Rs.9 crore and brands from Fullarton Distilleries for Rs.39.50 crore.
Archean Chemical Industries
The company’s stepdown subsidiary SiCSem Pvt. Ltd. achieved a milestonewith the groundbreaking ceremony for a Rs.2,500 crore semiconductormanufacturing facility in Odisha.
Azad Engineering
The company signed a contract with Siemens Energy for manufacturingmission-critical components valued at €90.1 million (Rs.811 crore) over 6 years.
Craftsman Automation
The company approved the establishment of a new plant at SIPCOTIndustrial Park, Shoolagiri, Hosur, to enhance production capacity by 15%for aluminum products with an estimated investment of Rs.150 crore.
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
The company signed a MoU with Apollo Micro Systems to establish astrategic collaboration for the joint development and supply of advancedweapons and electronic systems.
The company signed a 40-year LSA with J K Cement for 250 million tons oflimestone from Lakhpat Punrajpur Mine, Kutch.
G R Infraprojects
The company emerged as L-1 bidder for Rs.262.28 crore EPC gaugeconversion project in Vadodara division of Western Railway, completion in24 months.
Maruti Suzuki India
The company approved the amalgamation of its wholly owned subsidiary,Suzuki Motor Gujarat, into Maruti Suzuki India following the receipt ofrecommendations from the audit committee.
Mindspace Business Parks REIT
The company approved the acquisition of 100% equity in Sustain Propertiesfor Rs.6,129 million and the issuance of up to 16.17 million units ofMindspace REIT as consideration for the acquisition.
Sona BLW Precision Forgings
The company signed a MoU with ePlane Co. to develop powertrains foreVTOLs and drones.
Triveni Turbine
The company received an order valued at Rs.2.9 billion from NTPC for a CO2-based standalone energy storage system at NTPC Kudgi, Karnataka.
Uno Minda
The company completed the merger of Kosei Minda Aluminum, KoseiMinda Mould, and Minda Kosei Aluminum Wheel into Uno Minda followingNCLT approval.
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