Moving Average Distribution - Axis Securities

Sector-Wise Moving Average Distribution
How to read the Chart
This chart provides a sector-wise distribution of stocks that are trading above specific Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs). EMAs are commonly used indicators that give more weight to the most recent prices, making them more responsive to new information. The chart includes the 5-, 20-, 50-, 100-, and 200-day EMAs.
Sectors and Percentages
Each row represents a sector, and the information across columns shows what percentage of the sector’s members are above the corresponding moving average, defined by the column label. For example, the column “Above EMA5” shows the percentage of stocks in each sector that are trading above their respective 5-day EMAs. For example, as of the last close, 45% of stocks in the Energy sector were above their 5-day EMAs.
Why is this chart important?
Values close to 100 show strength in the index, while values close to zero show weakness. Some traders/investors may use this information as a sign of trend continuation or to design contrarian strategies.
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