Quote On Budget By Raghvendra Nath, MD, Ladderup Wealth Management

Below The Quote On Budget By Raghvendra Nath, MD, Ladderup Wealth Management
"After a long time, the middle class has a reason to cheer. By moving the tax exemption to Rs.12 lacs, the current income tax proposal is going to leave a lot of money in the hands of the middle class. While the government is foregoing Rs.1 lac crore of Income Tax, we think the increase in consumption can help offset some of the exchequer loss. On the fiscal side a budget estimate of 4.4% is tad on the higher side. I think the government recognizes the recent slowdown and the importance of govt expenditure to maintain the growth momentum. Bringing the gig workers into its notice, atleast through some medical relief, is a step in the right direction as 1 crore gig workers is a very large segment of the population and also the fastest growing portion of the employment pool. Overall the budget has balanced the large goals of Economic Development and the Social responsibility of the government".
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