16-06-2024 02:46 PM | Source: ANI
Kutch wildlife preservation: Harnessing technology to combat summer heat, balance ecosystem
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Gujarat’s Kutch, known for its ecological diversity, faces summer challenges as soaring temperatures dry up water sources, threatening biodiversity. Divided into Vagad, Kanthi, Western, and Banni, Kutch is home to diverse wildlife, including elusive kerikal birds and numerous forest animals. To protect wildlife, Kutch district, covering 24% of India’s wildlife area has implemented innovative management strategies. To protect wildlife, Kutch district, covering 24% of India’s wildlife area has implemented innovative management strategies. Over 200 forest ponds and 125 artistic fish water holes, some powered by solar systems, provide vital water sources for animals during the dry summer months. Despite natural water sources drying up due to scorching heat, man-made water holes ensure a steady water supply for wildlife survival. This system is closely monitored through advanced camera tracking, demonstrating an innovative and balanced approach to wildlife management. Amid arid landscapes and vibrant monsoon showers, Kutch exemplifies human ingenuity in preserving nature's delicate balance.