20-08-2024 11:15 AM | Source: Kedia Advisory
Buy Naturalgas Aug @ 183 SL 178 TGT 188-192. MCX - Kedia Advisory

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Crudeoil trading range for the day is 6052-6434.

Crude oil dropped as concern over demand in China weighed on market sentiment.

Chinese refineries sharply cut crude processing rates last month on tepid fuel demand.

IEA trimmed its global oil demand growth 2025 estimate, citing the impact of Chinese consumption.

Speculators raise U.S. crude oil net longs – CFTC

BUY CRUDEOIL SEP @ 6150 SL 6050 TGT 6250-6350. MCX




Naturalgas trading range for the day is 173-195.2.

Natural gas traded higher as hot forecasts raise expectations for cooling demand.

EIA reported stocks fell by six-billion cubic feet, leaving inventories at 3.26-trillion cubic feet

The number of rigs drilling for natural gas in the United States rose by 1 this week to 98

LSEG forecast average gas demand to rise from 104.4 bcfd this week to 106.5 bcfd next week.

BUY NATURALGAS AUG @ 183 SL 178 TGT 188-192. MCX

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