05-06-2024 01:49 PM | Source: ANI
``Democracy of India stands stronger than ever...``Danish Envoy Freddy Svane congratulates PM Modi
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Ambassador of Denmark to India Freddy Svane planted a sapling on the occasion of World Environment Day at his residence on June 05. Speaking on Indian Election results, he congratulated India, the Prime Minister and Indian democracy.
While speaking to ANI on India’s Elections, Freddy Svane said, “Very strong victory for the Indian Democracy. India is just blooming so I think the strongest message is that the democracy of India stands stronger than ever. The voters have spoken and the voters have taken into consideration what is good for them. We had great 10 years with Modi and now he is in the third term. We congratulate India and honourable Prime Minister and Indian democracy as it has shown how strong it is.” 
On India-Denmark relations, Freddy Svane said, "Strong as ever. I have planted a tree in my backyard to symbolise that we will keep the planet, our mother Earth running.We need to ensure that whatever India needs, we'll bring to India's table and it is for Indians to decide what they need from Denmark. Denmark stands with India. We are also ready to be a very strong strategic partner of the strategy leading towards a 'Green, Strong, Sustainable India."