Vintage Coffee and Beverages Ltd Financials result for the Third Quarter Period Ended December 31, 2024

Q3FY25 vs Q3FY24 (Rs. in Crores)
During the Third-Quarter of FY25, the Company has achieved Net Sales of Rs. 88.15 Crores and Operating Profit of Rs. 15.07 Crores, reflecting growth of 134% and 166% respectively over the corresponding quarter of the last financial year. Profit after Tax for the quarter also increased to Rs. 12.45 Crores, registering growth of 247% over the corresponding quarter of the last financial year.
9MFY25 vs 9MFY24 (Rs. in Crores)
During the Nine-month period ended FY25, the Company has achieved Net Sales of Rs.203.37 Crores and Operating Profit of Rs. 31.27 Crores, reflecting growth of 129% and 115% respectively over the corresponding Nine-month period ended of the last financial year. Profit after Tax for the Nine-month period ended FY25 increased to Rs. 24.50 Crores, registering growth of 219% over the corresponding Nine-month period ended of the last financial year.
Mr. Balakrishna Tati, Managing Director informed that the Board has approved the capex for an additional capacity of 4500 tons per annum and it will be financed through internal accruals and the additional capacity is expected to be commissioned during Q4FY26. This is inline with the company’s vision and strategic move towards capacity expansion to cater to the increasing demand for coffee across the globe.
This additional line will be installed at its Instant Coffee Subsidiary Unit namely Vintage Coffee Private Limited located near Hyderabad. After installation of this additional line total capacity of the production will be 11000 Metrics tons per annum as against present capacity of 6500 Metrics tons per annum.
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