The reins of development of villages are in the hands of sarpanches: Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma
Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma addressed the Panchayati Raj Empowerment and Abhinandan Ceremony organized by Sarpanch Sangh Rajasthan in Jaipur. During this, the Chief Minister said that strong Panchayati Raj and rural development are the priorities of the state government. Sarpanchs have the reins of development of villages in their hands and Sarpanch is the most important link in the salvation of the last person in the society. If their willpower is strong, vision is there and people are with them, then villages can be transformed. He said that as Panchayat representatives, Sarpanchs have the opportunity to serve the people and with this spirit of service, talented and dedicated Sarpanchs of Rajasthan are taking their villages on the path of development. Along with this, the Chief Minister said that the state government is working with priority for the empowerment of Panchayati Raj and rural development. In the state budget, provision of budget was made for the villages of all 200 assembly constituencies of the state without any discrimination. The honorarium of the public representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions was increased by 10 percent from April 1, 2024.