LIC AMC informs about change in creation unit size

LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management has announced addendum to the Scheme Information Document (SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of Designated Schemes of LIC Mutual Fund.
LIC Mutual Fund has informed that, LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management (Investment Manager to LIC Mutual Fund) has decided to change the Creation Unit Size of LIC MF Nifty 50 ETF from Existing ‘50,000 units’ to ‘10,000 units’ and LIC MF Nifty 100 ETF from Existing ‘2,00,000 units’ to ‘40,000 units’, (the Schemes) of LIC Mutual Fund with effect from March 10, 2025.
Investors are requested to note that the said change will not trigger reset of NAV per unit of the aforementioned Schemes and nor any change in the balance Unit holding of the existing Unit holders. Consequentially, the same will not have any impact on the current value of holdings of the Unit holders of the aforementioned Schemes. Necessary/ incidental changes in the above regards shall be carried out in the SID and KIM of the aforementioned Schemes.
This Notice cum Addendum forms an integral part of the SID and KIM of the aforementioned Schemes of LIC Mutual Fund as amended from time to time. All other terms & conditions of the SID and KIM of the aforementioned Schemes of LIC Mutual Fund remain unchanged.