Company Update : AU Small Finance Bank By Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd

Advances growth robust; CD ratio inches up
AUBANK released its business update for 3QFY25. Here are the key highlights:
* AUBANK reported healthy growth of 5.2% QoQ in gross advances to ~INR1t. Including the securitized/assigned loan portfolio, the total loan portfolio grew 3.7% QoQ.
* The bank securitized its asset portfolio of INR7.9b in 3QFY25 and INR9b in 2QFY25, resulting in GLP growth of 3.7% QoQ in 3QFY25.
* On the liability front, total deposits grew 2.3% QoQ to INR1.1t (14.9% YTD).
* CASA deposits declined 3.2% QoQ to INR344b. As a result, the CASA ratio declined to 30.6% from 32.4% in 2QFY25.
* Overall, advances growth was healthy and well on track, while CASA deposits declined by 3.2% QoQ, resulting in a decline in the CASA ratio. Lower deposit growth amid a decline in CASA deposits resulted in a 2.2% QoQ jump in the CD ratio on a calculated basis
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