01-01-1970 12:00 AM | Source: Ganeshaspeaks.com
Stock Market Prediction 16 December 2021
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* Looking at the planets, it can be said that today you will continue to face many obstacles in making a deal.

* The strange thing today is that the opening becomes a positive slot and a negative slot at the time of closing.

* Part - 1 = Near surface or up side jogging between 9.15 to 11.00.

* Part - 2 = Between 11.00 to 12.30, there will be frequent selling pressure in Nifty.

* Part-3 = Between 12.30 to 14.40 Nifty will have a side jobbing from mix to positive side, but it is not a very promising slot.

* After Part-4 = 14.40, a pattern is forming in which the soft side ratio will increase in Nifty.


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