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updated on: 17-Jan-2025 [15:59]

Advances - 15 | Declines - 11 | Unchanged - 0


Open 5238.97 Prev. Close 5259.40
Day High 5294.13 52 Week High 6885.23
Day Low 5193.32 52 Week Low 4774.11

Pivot Levels - Classic: as on 17-Jan-2025

PP: 5248.95 Resistance Support
First 5304.58 5203.77
Second 5349.76 5148.14
Third 5405.39 5102.96
Day Range High
Month Range High
52 Week Range High


From: To:

Top Gainers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. 792.25 805.65 13.40 1.69
Adani Green Energy Ltd. 1069.7 1078.1 8.40 0.79
CESC Ltd. 150.6 152.65 2.05 1.36
Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. 210.35 211.5 1.15 0.55
Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. 16.65 16.71 0.06 0.36
NHPC Ltd. 78.79 80.42 1.63 2.07
NLC India Ltd. 227.6 230.3 2.70 1.19
NTPC Ltd. 325.6 326.4 0.80 0.25
Orient Green Power Company Ltd. 16.45 16.5 0.05 0.30
Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 297.65 302.55 4.90 1.65
Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. 279.05 285.7 6.65 2.38
Reliance Power Ltd. 41.21 42.07 0.86 2.09
SJVN Ltd. 97.2 101 3.80 3.91
Tata Power Company Ltd. 368.95 373.65 4.70 1.27
VA Tech Wabag Ltd. 1520.05 1545.95 25.90 1.70

Top Losers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
Adani Power Ltd. 562.75 546.15 -16.60 -2.95
Antony Waste Handling Cell Ltd. 615.85 605.2 -10.65 -1.73
EMS Ltd. 857.2 845.9 -11.30 -1.32
Inox Green Energy Services Ltd. 166.15 162.95 -3.20 -1.93
JSW Energy Ltd. 570.7 568.4 -2.30 -0.40
KPI Green Energy Ltd. 427 421.1 -5.90 -1.38
Nava Ltd. 881.9 869.25 -12.65 -1.43
PTC India Ltd. 138.05 136.5 -1.55 -1.12
RattanIndia Power Ltd. 12.18 12.01 -0.17 -1.40
Torrent Power Ltd. 1492.4 1482.95 -9.45 -0.63
Waaree Renewable Technologies Ltd. 1076.75 1044.35 -32.40 -3.01

Market Stats

Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. 539254 798.3 808.5 786.35 792.25 805.65 13.40 1.69 103143 8.31 4238.55 588.25 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Adani Green Energy Ltd. 541450 1084.55 1089 1057 1069.7 1078.1 8.40 0.79 218271 23.53 2574.05 439.35 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Adani Power Ltd. 533096 563.7 573.75 500 562.75 546.15 -16.60 -2.95 776099 42.39 896.75 132.55 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Antony Waste Handling Cell Ltd. 543254 615.85 615.85 598 615.85 605.2 -10.65 -1.73 11751 0.71 902.25 239.05 2025-01-17 16:01:00
CESC Ltd. 500084 150.95 153.45 149.1 150.6 152.65 2.05 1.36 88242 1.35 212.7 62.25 2025-01-17 15:57:00
EMS Ltd. 543983 856.95 861.45 838.05 857.2 845.9 -11.30 -1.32 45074 3.81 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd. 517300 210.95 214.05 210.55 210.35 211.5 1.15 0.55 18508 0.39 270 70.71 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Inox Green Energy Services Ltd. 543667 168.7 168.7 162.5 166.15 162.95 -3.20 -1.93 30016 0.49 224.65 38.5 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. 532627 16.65 16.83 16.45 16.65 16.71 0.06 0.36 2922996 4.88 23.99 5.17 2025-01-17 16:01:00
JSW Energy Ltd. 533148 570 578.5 562.55 570.7 568.4 -2.30 -0.40 62277 3.54 804.95 204.8 2025-01-17 16:01:00
KPI Green Energy Ltd. 542323 427.2 432 417.05 427 421.1 -5.90 -1.38 102696 4.32 2426.85 345 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Nava Ltd. 513023 915.95 915.95 859.75 881.9 869.25 -12.65 -1.43 9140 0.79 1346.7 162.55 2025-01-17 15:58:00
NHPC Ltd. 533098 78.75 80.95 78.1 78.79 80.42 1.63 2.07 750910 6.04 118.45 33.4 2025-01-17 16:01:00
NLC India Ltd. 513683 227.5 232.5 227.5 227.6 230.3 2.70 1.19 49377 1.14 311.65 65.05 2025-01-17 16:01:00
NTPC Ltd. 532555 326.15 329.05 322.85 325.6 326.4 0.80 0.25 224961 7.34 448.3 152.8 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Orient Green Power Company Ltd. 533263 16.58 16.68 16.25 16.45 16.5 0.05 0.30 499518 0.82 34.63 7.7 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 532898 297.4 305 295.7 297.65 302.55 4.90 1.65 140051 4.24 366.2 186.35 2025-01-17 16:01:00
PTC India Ltd. 532524 139 139 134.1 138.05 136.5 -1.55 -1.12 96211 1.31 254.65 67.75 2025-01-17 16:01:00
RattanIndia Power Ltd. 533122 12.22 12.25 11.91 12.18 12.01 -0.17 -1.40 1825323 2.19 21.13 2.82 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. 500390 279 289.45 278.5 279.05 285.7 6.65 2.38 107393 3.07 350.9 114.5 2025-01-17 15:57:00
Reliance Power Ltd. 532939 41.49 42.94 41.06 41.21 42.07 0.86 2.09 3172749 13.35 54.25 9.05 2025-01-17 16:01:00
SJVN Ltd. 533206 96.95 101 96.3 97.2 101 3.80 3.91 462114 4.67 170.45 27.9 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Tata Power Company Ltd. 500400 368.85 375.45 365.05 368.95 373.65 4.70 1.27 570674 21.32 494.85 182.45 2025-01-17 15:58:00
Torrent Power Ltd. 532779 1490 1517.9 1474.5 1492.4 1482.95 -9.45 -0.63 10701 1.59 2037.35 430.9 2025-01-17 16:01:00
VA Tech Wabag Ltd. 533269 1543.7 1553.45 1499.95 1520.05 1545.95 25.90 1.70 20053 3.10 1943.95 240 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Waaree Renewable Technologies Ltd. 534618 1044.7 1068 1001.05 1076.75 1044.35 -32.40 -3.01 609571 63.66 8205 332.2 2025-01-17 16:01:00