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updated on: 17-Jan-2025 [16:14]

Advances - 29 | Declines - 20 | Unchanged - 0


Open 15147.80 Prev. Close 15131.50
Day High 15192.90 52 Week High 17066.75
Day Low 15034.30 52 Week Low 12837.00

Pivot Levels - Classic: as on 17-Jan-2025

PP: 15122.28 Resistance Support
First 15210.26 15051.66
Second 15280.88 14963.68
Third 15368.86 14893.06
Day Range High
Month Range High
52 Week Range High


From: To:

Top Gainers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
ACC Ltd. 1987.9 2014.9 27.00 1.36
Alkem Laboratories Ltd. 5181.8 5255.75 73.95 1.43
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 1156.3 1178.35 22.05 1.91
Bandhan Bank Ltd. 151.17 151.24 0.07 0.05
Bharat Forge Ltd. 1205.25 1207.5 2.25 0.19
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 210.59 214.08 3.49 1.66
Cummins India Ltd. 2924.95 2935.25 10.30 0.35
Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 16938.9 17224.45 285.55 1.69
Escorts Kubota Ltd. 3554.25 3600.7 46.45 1.31
GMR Airports Ltd. 74.68 76.07 1.39 1.86
Godrej Properties Ltd. 2363.65 2407 43.35 1.83
Gujarat Gas Ltd. 489.2 499.7 10.50 2.15
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 358.2 358.9 0.70 0.20
Indus Towers Ltd. 354.55 362.7 8.15 2.30
L&T Finance Ltd. 142.33 143.03 0.70 0.49
L&T Technology Services Ltd. 5244.4 5365 120.60 2.30
Lupin Ltd. 2098.9 2114.8 15.90 0.76
Max Financial Services Ltd. 1063.15 1088.3 25.15 2.37
NMDC Ltd. 65.68 66.59 0.91 1.39
Oberoi Realty Ltd. 1964.9 1988.9 24.00 1.22
Page Industries Ltd. 45941.7 46135.35 193.65 0.42
PI Industries Ltd. 3480.45 3550.9 70.45 2.02
Polycab India Ltd. 6665.35 6779.7 114.35 1.72
Steel Authority Of India Ltd. 107.52 108.82 1.30 1.21
Suzlon Energy Ltd. 56.87 56.96 0.09 0.16
The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 811.45 813.35 1.90 0.23
Tube Investments of India Ltd. 3322.05 3408.8 86.75 2.61
UPL Ltd. 546.3 551.25 4.95 0.91
Vodafone Idea Ltd. 8.93 9.11 0.18 2.02

Top Losers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
Aditya Birla Capital Ltd. 177.79 177.18 -0.61 -0.34
Ashok Leyland Ltd. 207.91 206.59 -1.32 -0.63
Astral Ltd. 1502.35 1501.45 -0.90 -0.06
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. 603.4 597.6 -5.80 -0.96
Balkrishna Industries Ltd. 2725.3 2705.85 -19.45 -0.71
Coforge Ltd. 8731.35 8629 -102.35 -1.17
Container Corporation Of India Ltd. 776.05 772.45 -3.60 -0.46
Dalmia Bharat Ltd. 1740.65 1721.95 -18.70 -1.07
HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd. 4090.7 4030.85 -59.85 -1.46
IDFC First Bank Ltd. 62.68 62.54 -0.14 -0.22
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. 269.85 268.6 -1.25 -0.46
Max Healthcare Institute Ltd. 1049.95 1026.65 -23.30 -2.22
Mphasis Ltd. 2821.4 2817.2 -4.20 -0.15
MRF Ltd. 114463.6 113948.65 -514.95 -0.45
Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. 10189.85 10033.35 -156.50 -1.54
Persistent Systems Ltd. 6071.6 5960.35 -111.25 -1.83
Petronet LNG Ltd. 329 324.4 -4.60 -1.40
Tata Communications Ltd. 1707.2 1698.15 -9.05 -0.53
The Federal Bank Ltd. 195.42 191.58 -3.84 -1.96
Yes Bank Ltd. 18.29 18.27 -0.02 -0.11

Market Stats

ACC Ltd. ACC 1989 2019 1975 1987.9 2014.9 27.00 1.36 247679 49.90 2844 1592.35 2025-01-17 15:58:26
Aditya Birla Capital Ltd. ABCAPITAL 177.3 177.95 175.66 177.79 177.18 -0.61 -0.34 1632162 28.92 246.9 105.3 2025-01-17 15:57:53
Alkem Laboratories Ltd. ALKEM 5192 5283.5 5166.5 5181.8 5255.75 73.95 1.43 71978 37.83 6439.9 2855 2025-01-17 15:24:56
Ashok Leyland Ltd. ASHOKLEY 207.91 208.87 205.34 207.91 206.59 -1.32 -0.63 3251656 67.18 264.65 133.1 2025-01-17 15:59:42
Astral Ltd. ASTRAL 1504.25 1515.85 1492.05 1502.35 1501.45 -0.90 -0.06 402912 60.50 2454 1297.8 2025-01-17 15:24:59
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. AUBANK 603 606.2 595 603.4 597.6 -5.80 -0.96 2053876 122.74 813.4 534.45 2025-01-17 15:59:08
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. AUROPHARMA 1156 1181.8 1144.15 1156.3 1178.35 22.05 1.91 656989 77.42 1592 397.2 2025-01-17 15:59:42
Balkrishna Industries Ltd. BALKRISIND 2725.3 2729.9 2684 2725.3 2705.85 -19.45 -0.71 125847 34.05 3375 1796.3 2025-01-17 15:53:07
Bandhan Bank Ltd. BANDHANBNK 151.01 151.94 148.94 151.17 151.24 0.07 0.05 3519854 53.23 314.8 137 2025-01-17 15:59:18
Bharat Forge Ltd. BHARATFORG 1209 1217.8 1197.45 1205.25 1207.5 2.25 0.19 745195 89.98 1804.5 677.35 2025-01-17 15:56:03
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. BHEL 210.29 214.89 208 210.59 214.08 3.49 1.66 11603310 248.40 335.35 51.35 2025-01-17 15:59:39
Coforge Ltd. COFORGE 8690 8775 8601.75 8731.35 8629 -102.35 -1.17 304308 262.59 10026.8 3210.05 2025-01-17 15:24:54
Container Corporation Of India Ltd. CONCOR 777 782.9 771.2 776.05 772.45 -3.60 -0.46 2259976 174.57 1180 555 2025-01-17 15:58:49
Cummins India Ltd. CUMMINSIND 2924.95 2959.95 2908 2924.95 2935.25 10.30 0.35 226368 66.44 4171.9 1103.8 2025-01-17 15:56:27
Dalmia Bharat Ltd. DALBHARAT 1739 1741.2 1695.7 1740.65 1721.95 -18.70 -1.07 219504 37.80 2424.75 1476.05 2025-01-17 15:55:20
Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. DIXON 17060 17330.5 16731.2 16938.9 17224.45 285.55 1.69 393040 676.99 19148.9 2553 2025-01-17 15:58:50
Escorts Kubota Ltd. ESCORTS 3554.25 3617.4 3536 3554.25 3600.7 46.45 1.31 178487 64.27 4420 1645 2025-01-17 15:54:01
GMR Airports Ltd. GMRAIRPORT 74.68 76.49 74.14 74.68 76.07 1.39 1.86 8400993 63.91 103.75 33.35 2025-01-17 15:24:55
Godrej Properties Ltd. GODREJPROP 2362 2421.65 2336 2363.65 2407 43.35 1.83 492655 118.58 3402.7 1005 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Gujarat Gas Ltd. GUJGASLTD 489.2 505.5 486.2 489.2 499.7 10.50 2.15 1494667 74.69 689.95 398.5 2025-01-17 15:24:55
HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd. HDFCAMC 4090 4099.9 4006.05 4090.7 4030.85 -59.85 -1.46 297514 119.92 4864 1589.5 2025-01-17 15:52:20
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. HINDPETRO 358.35 363.2 355.2 358.2 358.9 0.70 0.20 3122954 112.08 594.8 200.05 2025-01-17 15:59:51
IDFC First Bank Ltd. IDFCFIRSTB 62.55 62.77 61.55 62.68 62.54 -0.14 -0.22 14574128 91.15 100.7 43.05 2025-01-17 15:24:58
Indus Towers Ltd. INDUSTOWER 358.1 365 357.15 354.55 362.7 8.15 2.30 14711286 533.58 460.35 135.15 2025-01-17 15:59:13
L&T Finance Ltd. LTF 141.01 144.24 140.39 142.33 143.03 0.70 0.49 2655923 37.99 194.25 72 2025-01-17 15:59:34
L&T Technology Services Ltd. LTTS 5195 5420.2 5181.3 5244.4 5365 120.60 2.30 515125 276.36 6000 3215.85 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Lupin Ltd. LUPIN 2098.9 2126 2068.05 2098.9 2114.8 15.90 0.76 281659 59.57 2402.9 623 2025-01-17 15:24:57
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. M&MFIN 269.4 274.5 267.75 269.85 268.6 -1.25 -0.46 1112577 29.88 346.55 176.1 2025-01-17 15:24:56
Max Financial Services Ltd. MFSL 1057.85 1099.95 1054.4 1063.15 1088.3 25.15 2.37 926404 100.82 1306.45 599.1 2025-01-17 15:50:29
Max Healthcare Institute Ltd. MAXHEALTH 1051.25 1056.45 1008.7 1049.95 1026.65 -23.30 -2.22 2750545 282.38 1224.45 354.1 2025-01-17 15:59:19
Mphasis Ltd. MPHASIS 2819.05 2833.85 2785.25 2821.4 2817.2 -4.20 -0.15 294222 82.89 3237.95 1660.05 2025-01-17 15:52:50
MRF Ltd. MRF 114399.95 114539.15 113301.1 114463.6 113948.65 -514.95 -0.45 3965 45.18 151445 78689.95 2025-01-17 15:57:02
NMDC Ltd. NMDC 65.59 67.12 64.75 65.68 66.59 0.91 1.39 25987585 173.05 286.35 59.7 2025-01-17 15:24:58
Oberoi Realty Ltd. OBEROIRLTY 1956 1997.05 1937.4 1964.9 1988.9 24.00 1.22 573104 113.98 2343.65 790.1 2025-01-17 15:59:54
Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. OFSS 10064.55 10262.95 9975 10189.85 10033.35 -156.50 -1.54 188329 188.96 13220 2883.25 2025-01-17 15:24:58
Page Industries Ltd. PAGEIND 45950 46399.4 45069.5 45941.7 46135.35 193.65 0.42 22127 102.08 54349.1 33814.85 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Persistent Systems Ltd. PERSISTENT 6095 6095 5930.35 6071.6 5960.35 -111.25 -1.83 276216 164.63 8900 3092.05 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Petronet LNG Ltd. PETRONET 329.15 332.4 322.8 329 324.4 -4.60 -1.40 1622857 52.65 384.2 193.55 2025-01-17 15:24:56
PI Industries Ltd. PIIND 3482.3 3565.65 3479.05 3480.45 3550.9 70.45 2.02 187757 66.67 4804.05 2868.9 2025-01-17 15:52:05
Polycab India Ltd. POLYCAB 6592 6824 6592 6665.35 6779.7 114.35 1.72 358371 242.96 7605 2310 2025-01-17 15:58:07
Steel Authority Of India Ltd. SAIL 107.1 109.45 106.93 107.52 108.82 1.30 1.21 9191948 100.03 175.35 73.2 2025-01-17 15:59:39
Suzlon Energy Ltd. SUZLON 57 57.39 55.94 56.87 56.96 0.09 0.16 38683697 220.34 86.04 6.6 2025-01-17 15:24:57
Tata Communications Ltd. TATACOMM 1705 1722.4 1695 1707.2 1698.15 -9.05 -0.53 72086 12.24 2175 1070.35 2025-01-17 15:59:29
The Federal Bank Ltd. FEDERALBNK 195.9 195.98 191.27 195.42 191.58 -3.84 -1.96 8047952 154.18 217 105.2 2025-01-17 15:59:23
The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. INDHOTEL 822.9 822.9 803.6 811.45 813.35 1.90 0.23 2381426 193.69 894.9 263.35 2025-01-17 15:58:45
Tube Investments of India Ltd. TIINDIA 3321 3427.95 3315.25 3322.05 3408.8 86.75 2.61 216890 73.93 4810.8 2034.05 2025-01-17 15:47:53
UPL Ltd. UPL 545 557.65 543.5 546.3 551.25 4.95 0.91 1424721 78.54 807 451.85 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Vodafone Idea Ltd. IDEA 8.9 9.25 8.83 8.93 9.11 0.18 2.02 470410885 428.54 19.18 5.7 2025-01-17 15:24:59
Yes Bank Ltd. YESBANK 18.28 18.37 17.96 18.29 18.27 -0.02 -0.11 60069061 109.75 32.85 14.4 2025-01-17 15:24:58