20-10-2024 10:24 AM | Source: LKP securities Ltd
Quote on Rupee by Jateen Trivedi, VP Research Analyst - Commodity and Currency, LKP Securities

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Below the Quote on Rupee by Jateen Trivedi, VP Research Analyst - Commodity and Currency, LKP Securities


"The rupee remained flat at 84.05 as the dollar index also held steady around 103.50$. After a two-week strong rally, the dollar continues to trade significantly higher, having climbed from the 100$ mark to 103.50$ zones. Despite the broader strength in the dollar, the rupee has managed to stay stable for the time being. Although crude weakness provides some support, the heavy fund outflows are expected to push the rupee further down towards the 84.15-84.25 range in the coming days."


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