Monthly Rollover Report - The Nifty July rollover stands at 25.92% on Monday compared to 25.6% on same day of previous expiry by Axis Securities
The Nifty July rollover stands at 25.92% on Monday compared to 25.6% on same day of previous expiry. The Market wide July rollover stands at 43.88% on Monday as compared to 39.41% on same day of previous expiry. The rollover cost in the July series stands at 0.25 on Monday compared to 0.3 on same day of previous expiry. The Nifty July rollover is higher than its Three months average of 24.74% and lower than its six months average of 28.73% as on today. The market wide rollover is higher than its three months average of 39.23% and higher than its six months average of 37.36%. Bank Nifty July rollover stands at 32.32% on Monday compared to 32.24% on the same day of previous expiry which is higher than its Three months average of 25.91% and lower than its six months average of 33.66%. The Option data of JULY series shows high Call OI at 16,000 strike price followed by 15,800 & 15,900, while high Put OI concentration is seen at 15,800 followed by 15,500 & 15,700 indicating the probable range for current expiry with 15800 acting as a pivotal level.
Stock & Sector Highlights
LT, SUNPHARMA, BERGEPAINT, PEL and NMDC saw higher rollovers on Monday compared to same day of previous expiry.
SUNTV, CADILAHC, CANBK, GRASIM and GODREJCP saw lower rollovers on Monday compared to same day of previous expiry.
Higher rollover in current expiry: JSWSTEEL, ADANIPORTS, SAIL, IDEA and LT.
Lower rollover in current expiry: SUNTV, CADILAHC, GODREJCP, MFSL and TORNTPOWER.
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