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8/08/2022 4:57:39 PM | Source: PR Agency
ACM launches Scientific Investment based iBaskets for investing in stocks
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Mumbai : Asit C. Mehta Financial Services Ltd group (ACMFSL), (BSE530723| ASITCFIN), one of the leading fintech conglomerates in Indian equity markets, has launched Scientific Investing driven iBaskets, through Asit C. Mehta Investment Interrmediates Limited- to benefit from Indian growth vectors. These growth vectors are available for systematic investing in Indian equities through a set of 10 iBaskets. Each iBasket is customized to provide investors an opportunity to invest in the equity markets.

Mr. Anand Varadarajan, Director – Innovation & Growth, ACM Group (ACMG) said “Our iBaskets are a set of well curated products built on the group’s Scientific Investing Framework. This framework helps in identifying and investing in the key growth vectors in India. We currently have a set of 10 iBaskets following the various growth vectors that include Digital transformation, Railway infrastructure, India Defence, India Electrification, India Infrastructure capitalization, Electric vehicles and Cap weighted iBaskets etc. Our process looks for companies which are in the blind spot of Mr. Market and create a Super Normal Portfolio. We believe that at the current market level Indian equities are quite attractively priced overall; plus there are multiple growth vectors available that are yet to be identified fully. Hence, it makes sense to start allocating money to them.

iBaskets present an opportunity to investors to start investing in small amounts starting from INR 5000 per basket to INR 15000 per iBasket. Investment into these iBaskets can be done in both Lumpsum and SIP formats. The Company has seen a steady increase of SIP’s in these iBaskets from the current ACM client base.

These iBaskets are today available on our Investmentz platform through our 2500 plus strong network and several Mutual Fund Distributors(MFD’s) and Broking houses are also partnering with us to offer this benefit to their investors

These iBaskets are monitored by our experienced team who can help investors make disciplined investments aligned to their financial goals. The iBaskets are constructed to suit different types of investor risk profiles.

“Creating an investible portfolio of stocks is not everyone’s cup of tea. It needs specific skill sets to understand companies, businesses before investing in them. Also with the information deluge and human bias that creeps in, there is a strong need for a scientific investment iBasket which efficiently invests in good businesses and provides this kind of an offering which could be beneficial over a long term” Mr Varadarajan added.

ACMFSL under the leadership of Mr. Asit C Mehta and Mrs. Deena Mehta, for last three decades, is one of the oldest financial services companies in India. They have businesses , through ACMFSL groupcompanies across PMS, Stock broking, Mutual fund distribution, distribution of all other third-party investment instruments, Investment banking etc. 


ACMG iBaskets are available in various themes as mentioned below:

SpecialisediBaskets :

1.ACE Superdividend – Supernormal companies with supernormal dividend yields

2.ACE Power – Companies electrifying India

3.ACE Digitaltransformation – Fast growing multitrillion dollar companies transforming the world digitally

4.ACE BharatDefence – Defend Bharat with an attacking portfolio

5.Ace Bullet Train – Rail infra companies putting India on a fast track

6.Ace BharatETF – Grow your wealth with the growing Indian economy

7.Ace BhatatDebt – Portfolio of high quality bonds backed by Central and State Governments


Cap weighted iBaskets :

1.ACE Largecap – Dominant leaders capitalizing on India Transform 2030 Growth opportunity

2.ACE Midcap – Emerging leaders in their aggressive growth phase

3.Ace Smallcap – Undiscovered companies in their accelerating growth phase


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