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updated on: 17-Jan-2025 [15:59]

Advances - 21 | Declines - 9 | Unchanged - 0


Open 585.14 Prev. Close 589.94
Day High 592.40 52 Week High 750.66
Day Low 581.63 52 Week Low 506.50

Pivot Levels - Classic: as on 17-Jan-2025

PP: 587.99 Resistance Support
First 594.35 583.58
Second 598.76 577.22
Third 605.12 572.81
Day Range High
Month Range High
52 Week Range High


From: To:

Top Gainers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. 792.25 805.65 13.40 1.69
Adani Green Energy Ltd. 1069.7 1078.1 8.40 0.79
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. 1151 1163.4 12.40 1.08
CESC Ltd. 150.6 152.65 2.05 1.36
GAIL (India) Ltd. 180.55 181 0.45 0.25
GMR Airports Ltd. 74.68 76.08 1.40 1.87
Gujarat Gas Ltd. 489.35 499.2 9.85 2.01
Gujarat State Petronet Ltd. 351.15 363.6 12.45 3.55
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. 143 146.25 3.25 2.27
IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. 52.54 54.88 2.34 4.45
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 3512.4 3568.5 56.10 1.60
NBCC (India) Ltd. 87.82 95.32 7.50 8.54
NCC Ltd. 247.75 253.05 5.30 2.14
NHPC Ltd. 78.79 80.42 1.63 2.07
NTPC Ltd. 325.6 326.4 0.80 0.25
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 263.25 266.5 3.25 1.23
Oil India Ltd. 470.6 475.35 4.75 1.01
PNC Infratech Ltd. 304.9 309.3 4.40 1.44
Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 297.65 302.55 4.90 1.65
Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. 411 426.5 15.50 3.77
Tata Power Company Ltd. 368.95 373.65 4.70 1.27

Top Losers

Company Prev. Price Close Price Diff (Rs.) Diff (%)
Adani Power Ltd. 562.75 546.15 -16.60 -2.95
Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd. 166.3 166.15 -0.15 -0.09
Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 4111.15 4091.95 -19.20 -0.47
JSW Energy Ltd. 570.7 568.4 -2.30 -0.40
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 435.1 433.7 -1.40 -0.32
REC Ltd. 485.05 482.6 -2.45 -0.51
SpiceJet Ltd. 50.02 49.12 -0.90 -1.80
The Great Eastern Shipping Company Ltd. 987.7 953.4 -34.30 -3.47
Torrent Power Ltd. 1492.4 1482.95 -9.45 -0.63

Market Stats

Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. 539254 798.3 808.5 786.35 792.25 805.65 13.40 1.69 103143 8.31 4238.55 588.25 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Adani Green Energy Ltd. 541450 1084.55 1089 1057 1069.7 1078.1 8.40 0.79 218271 23.53 2574.05 439.35 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. 532921 1167.6 1173.9 1145 1151 1163.4 12.40 1.08 159336 18.54 1607.95 394.95 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Adani Power Ltd. 533096 563.7 573.75 500 562.75 546.15 -16.60 -2.95 776099 42.39 896.75 132.55 2025-01-17 16:01:00
CESC Ltd. 500084 150.95 153.45 149.1 150.6 152.65 2.05 1.36 88242 1.35 212.7 62.25 2025-01-17 15:57:00
GAIL (India) Ltd. 532155 179.9 182.8 179.5 180.55 181 0.45 0.25 242911 4.40 246.35 83 2025-01-17 16:01:00
GMR Airports Ltd. 532754 74.55 76.45 74.08 74.68 76.08 1.40 1.87 321467 2.45 103.7 33.35 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Gujarat Gas Ltd. 539336 491.95 505.35 486 489.35 499.2 9.85 2.01 25241 1.26 689.45 397.2 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Gujarat Pipavav Port Ltd. 533248 166.05 167.35 164.5 166.3 166.15 -0.15 -0.09 24275 0.40 250.5 80.6 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Gujarat State Petronet Ltd. 532702 349.3 387 346.95 351.15 363.6 12.45 3.55 477767 17.37 469.6 215.05 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. 543257 143.1 146.95 141.85 143 146.25 3.25 2.27 2643054 38.65 229.05 20.55 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 539448 4130 4135 4069.65 4111.15 4091.95 -19.20 -0.47 2917 1.19 5033.2 1676 2025-01-17 16:01:00
IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. 532947 52.88 55.29 52.36 52.54 54.88 2.34 4.45 1756814 9.64 78.05 19.82 2025-01-17 16:01:00
JSW Energy Ltd. 533148 570 578.5 562.55 570.7 568.4 -2.30 -0.40 62277 3.54 804.95 204.8 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 500510 3513.5 3579.35 3511.3 3512.4 3568.5 56.10 1.60 42164 15.05 3963 1798 2025-01-17 15:53:00
NBCC (India) Ltd. 534309 87.33 96.95 86.99 87.82 95.32 7.50 8.54 1962788 18.71 209.75 29.85 2025-01-17 16:01:00
NCC Ltd. 500294 246.15 254.5 245.25 247.75 253.05 5.30 2.14 217848 5.51 364.5 63.35 2025-01-17 15:58:00
NHPC Ltd. 533098 78.75 80.95 78.1 78.79 80.42 1.63 2.07 750910 6.04 118.45 33.4 2025-01-17 16:01:00
NTPC Ltd. 532555 326.15 329.05 322.85 325.6 326.4 0.80 0.25 224961 7.34 448.3 152.8 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 500312 263.2 267 261.6 263.25 266.5 3.25 1.23 634063 16.90 344.6 121.5 2025-01-17 15:58:00
Oil India Ltd. 533106 474.7 477.9 470 470.6 475.35 4.75 1.01 71551 3.40 767.3 168.3 2025-01-17 16:01:00
PNC Infratech Ltd. 539150 305.75 311.6 302.55 304.9 309.3 4.40 1.44 38997 1.21 574.5 247.5 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 532810 435.4 439 429.75 435.1 433.7 -1.40 -0.32 496342 21.53 580.35 100.85 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 532898 297.4 305 295.7 297.65 302.55 4.90 1.65 140051 4.24 366.2 186.35 2025-01-17 16:01:00
Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. 542649 411.4 437.9 406.95 411 426.5 15.50 3.77 1085478 46.30 647 30.55 2025-01-17 16:01:00
REC Ltd. 532955 484 487.75 476.2 485.05 482.6 -2.45 -0.51 64280 3.10 653.9 91 2025-01-17 16:01:00
SpiceJet Ltd. 500285 48.95 49.9 48.05 50.02 49.12 -0.90 -1.80 3447716 16.94 79.9 22.65 2025-01-17 15:58:00
Tata Power Company Ltd. 500400 368.85 375.45 365.05 368.95 373.65 4.70 1.27 570674 21.32 494.85 182.45 2025-01-17 15:58:00
The Great Eastern Shipping Company Ltd. 500620 984.2 984.2 948.8 987.7 953.4 -34.30 -3.47 27189 2.59 1542.8 478.7 2025-01-17 15:40:00
Torrent Power Ltd. 532779 1490 1517.9 1474.5 1492.4 1482.95 -9.45 -0.63 10701 1.59 2037.35 430.9 2025-01-17 16:01:00